NG Expedition I
December 2005
Ricardo Peña and NG writer James Vlahos secured a grant from National Geographic to do two expeditions. This page describes the first expedition. James and Ricardo traveled to Montevideo to meet with the survivors. Nando and Roberto provided more info on their expedition. In Argentina, Mario Perez (invited by Ricardo) joined James and Ricardo to cross the Andes. This was, and still is, the only expedition to have ever repeated Nando and Roberto’s escape route from the Andes. There have been many attempts. These are the only photos published of the route.
*All photos by Ricardo Peña unless otherwise stated*

(Roberto's wife), Roberto Canessa, Gustavo Zerbino, Ricardo, Fito Strauch and his wife.

In an upcoming NG article (summer 2006) you will know more about further investigation we did in February 2006 regarding the fate of the tail.
Photo by James Vlahos

The remains of the fuselage are now buried in the glacier and not visible. To be here on the same day (December 14) as the survivors had been (but 33 years later) looking at this valley completely covered in snow like they did and feeling the cold temperatures that are common at this time of the year really brought home the isolation they must have felt. It was quite challenging to get to this place with these conditions. They were right...a land rescue would have been very difficult.
Photo by James Vlahos

This picture also matches the one in the book that shows the track made by the fuselage. What neither photo reveals is how steep this slope really is (30-40º). You have to remember this picture is taken looking up! The plane came down between those rocks. The tail went left and the fuselage hit the flat spot where I am standing to take the picture.

Unfortunately that hanging glacier was losing car size chunks of ice almost everyday and at all times of the day and night, so it was impossible to
predict when the next one would come. This was pretty much a game of russian roulette.
Photo by James Vlahos

Photo by James Vlahos

Photo by James Vlahos

experience of San Fernando, Chile, than the survivors. While the survivors were welcomed like heroes (the rest of the survivors back on the glacier were rescued by helicopters), we were greeted like illegal criminals. As we reported to the local authorities to have our passports stamped with the proper entry stamp we were practically detained. That entry stamp was essential to leave the country the next day, otherwise we would be detained at the airport and arrested.
Photo by James Vlahos
The local authorities had not communicated regarding the official permission we had arranged previously and they found it very suspicious that 2 Americans and an Argentinean crossed the Andes on foot and showed up in their town. We were not a pretty sight! 12 days without showering, sunburned, bearded and exhausted! We were stuck in San Fernando until December 21st when our flight was leaving for the US.
With the help of the US Embassy, Eduardo Strauch in Uruguay and Edgardo Barrios in Argentina, we were able to communicate to these bureaucrats that we were indeed a National Geographic Expedition and that the Chilean Government had given us permission to cross the Andes into their country through an otherwise “unauthorized pass”.
Happily we reached Santiago in time for our flights and touched on American soil on December 22, 2005. I wanted to kiss the immigration officer when he said to me: “Welcome to the United States!” Our expedition showed the survivors climbed from 12,020 ft up to a pass 14,774′ high. From there they descended to 4,676′ walking a total of 33.5 miles…very tough miles! (nothing to do with trail running or hiking!).
We carried a lot more weight obviously, our trek was more than 20 miles longer, and we obviously had to climb up to the 12,020′ location from 7200′ in Argentina. In spite of that we had incredible advantages over them. We were experienced mountaineers, we were trained and healthy, we had plenty of food and great gear (perhaps a bit too much, but we didn’t know what to expect since noone had repeated it before).
Overall we felt that what Nando and Roberto accomplished in ’72 was incredible!…a miracle? Not in my personal opinion, but one of the finest moments in human history when two young men, against all odds, and showing incredible bravery, defied the cruel environment and challenges of the mountains and accomplished an unbelievable feat and with that, saved their own lives as well as the lives of their 14 mates stuck in the plane.
This escape and the troubles and challenges faced and overcome by the 16 Andes Survivors always has, and always will continue to inspire me; and will always speak volumes of that incredible thing called…the human spirit.